#VoteforChildren is a coalition campaign seeking for children’s issues to top the agenda for the 2024 European elections.

1 in 4 EU children are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

9 million children and adolescents aged 10-19 in Europe lived with a mental health issue in 2021.

1 in 5 children in Europe are subject to sexual violence and abuse, both offline and online, with girls being particularly vulnerable.

Each year, an estimated 250,000 children are reported missing in Europe.

6.6 million children with a migrant background lived in the EU in 2022. They run greater risk of poverty, discrimination and exclusion in the EU and abuse at its borders.

An estimated 5.4 million children around the globe live in harmful institutions, with concerningly high rates in the EU.

Approximately 1 billion children face an extremely high risk from the impacts of
the climate crisis.

Globally, more than 1 in 6 children are living in a conflict zone.

Around the world, 250 million children aged 6 to 18 are out of school, with girls bearing a disproportionate burden.

A stateless child is born somewhere in the world at least every 10 minutes.
These figures show that the EU needs to step up
and continue the efforts to protect and promote children’s rights
for children to thrive and reach their full potential.
#VoteforChildren is a campaign by child rights organizations
aiming at putting children and their rights at the heart of the EU Elections 2024