Statement on migrant children at the US-Mexico border
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Intergroup Co-Chairs Statement 21 June 2018, Brussels
We strongly condemn the inhuman treatment inflicted to migrant children at the US-Mexico border by the US Government. We are utterly shocked by the images of children detained in warehouses, behind bars and under the constant surveillance of police officers in uniform. It is heart-breaking to see the horrors on the eyes of the kids, to hear them crying not knowing what is going on.
In a civilised democracy it is unacceptable to separate children from their families. We now welcome the US President executive order to reverse the separation policy after the international outcry.
A child is always a child regardless their migration status or that of their parents and the best interest of the child should always be the guiding principle of any migration policy. All countries have a responsibility to protect children on the move, according to the United Nations. Every migration policy should be respectful of fundamental rights of the migrants and take into consideration the particular vulnerabilities of children on the move.
In the current EU Asylum reform, with the Intergroup on Children’s Rights we called for banning detention of children for immigration purposes. In these worrisome times when, the European Parliament Intergroup of children rights urges the EU to take the lead worldwide, stand up and be united to protect children’s rights.
Anna Maria Corazza Bildt MEP
Caterina Chinnici MEP