Time to act and deliver on the EU’s Child Rights commitments – Statement by the Intergroup on children’s rights of the European Parliament
- By Ntcadmin
- In European Commission, European Parliament, Intergroup on children's rights, News
Strasbourg– 30 April 2015
Children are suffering of crisis, conflicts and refugees tragedies in and around Europe.
The Intergroup on children’s rights in the European Parliament asks the European Commission to propose actions to fulfill the rights of billions of children the world over, including over 100 million children in Europe.
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in November 2014, the European Parliament explicitly called on the Commission to develop a renewed Agenda for the Rights of the Child.
“Time has come now to deliver and take concrete action” – said Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and Caterina Chinnici, Co-Chairs of the Intergroup on children’s rights.
The promotion and the protection of children’s rights are enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. While Member States have the primary responsibility on children’s rights, past EU action and legislation have clearly made a difference – from protecting children from violence, sexual abuse, trafficking to addressing discrimination and exclusion. Common action at EU level is still necessary to live up to the new challenges and ensure better protection for all children, especially the most vulnerable.
“We therefore support the call by international and European child rights organisations to the European Commission to propose a new EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child, addressing both the internal and the external action, in line with Better Regulation principles.”
The agenda should be a roadmap for action and build on the existing EU strategy.
“We stand ready to continue our cooperation with the Commission to make a lasting difference in the lives of children in Europe and the world.” Concluded the Co-Chairs of the Intergroup on children’s rights.
For more information contact: MEP Anna Maria Corazza Bildt and MEP Caterina Chinnici, Co- Chairs of the Intergroup on children’s rights
Nicola Dell’Arciprete, Unicef , Brussels – for the secretariat of the Intergroup on children’s rights – 022130075
Download this statement here.